Friday, September 21, 2007

The Most Disgusting Thing I've Ever Read. I Mean it This Time.

What would I do if were 25, world famous, unimaginably wealthy, and no one could say no to me? Well, first, I’d sleep with Dick Cheney. (It’s my World. Welcome to it.) I don’t know what it is: the commanding voice, the crooked smile, the possibility that at any moment he might have a heart attack and I would save the lives of thousands…whatever it is , this would be my priority.

Nasty, right? What kind of demented, wingnut boot-licker could think otherwise?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dr. Mrs. Putz:

"My first thought as I read this passage," she writes, "was that Cheney is probably more man than this lady can handle and she might be the one having a heart attack..."

Kill me now.

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