Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Glenn Reynolds' brave stand against negative political attacks.

Sounds like whining to me:
MATTHEW HOY HAS COMPILED A LIST of members of Congress who have gotten money from MoveOn.org, and suggests calling them to ask what they think about the "Betray-us" ad.
Awwww, did Putzy-wutzy get his feewings huwt by the meanie mean lefties?

Well, he may have a point, though. That's a tough ad.

But what did the nonpartisan say about the vicious attacks on Max Cleland?

Nothing. Nada.

Well, what about the Swift Boat Liars?

Promoted 'em. Enthusiastically.

OK, what about calling people who oppose the war unpatriotic traitors?

Yeah, he did that. A lot.

I guess the nonpartisan's rule is: the left can't attack us, only we can attack them!


A helpful reader in comments points out that the right, lead by El Rushbo, was calling Sen. Hagel "Senator Betrayus" months ago.

Needless to say -- no protest from Putzy.

Putz -- either denounce Rush Limbaugh and Free Republic or STFU about MoveOn.

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