Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Glenn Reynolds and Dr. Helen, non-partisan libertarians, interview Laura Ingraham.

Words cannot describe this atrocity. But I'll try.

Laura Ingraham sez: "Today, if you have a big family, you're considered, kind of -- a freak."

Um, by whom? Why, those librul New Yorkers, Angelenos, and environmentalists! I wish I were making this up.

Another revealing exchange:

Dr. Mrs. Putz: "What's your complaint with porn?"
Laura: "It destroys families."

Naturally -- no discussion at all on the economic challenges middle class families face today that they didn't in say, 1960: housing, health care, child care, etc.

No, Just the same old tired Kulturkampf. Network teevee should be more strictly regulated by the government! Rap is killing our kids!


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