Monday, September 03, 2007

Glenn Reynolds: all the troops love Bush. (updated)

Look at this drivel Putz links to: (UPDATED) (UPDATED AGAIN)
Unlike the last Commander-in-chief, is there any doubt that the men and women who serve our country love President Bush.
As I pointed out in comments over at ATC, Kerry won over 40% of the military vote in 2004, after Gore got less than 15% in 2000. So either they really, really were impressed with Kerry or a lot of them hate Bush.

This wingnut fantasy that every troop in Iraq loves the Great Leader is childish and pathetic, not to mention disturbing on many levels.


Just take a look at the comments at ATC. It tells you everything you need to know about the deranged mentality of a Bush follower.

My comparison was very specific Blue, the military's love of President Bush and the unhappiness with President Clinton. And by your own figures, 60% didn't vote for Kerry. Any politicians would kill for a 60% approval rating.


Obviously Kerry didn't receive 40% of the vote.
How pathetic to make something like that up.

Kerry was kicked out of the military, didn't get his discharged changed to honorable until he had the power to force it, and lied repeatedly that our soldiers were committing wholesale "jenjis" khan style rape and murder. The military hates him.


40% - Really?

I guess that means that 60% voted for Bush. And I guess that means that

the men and women who serve our country love President Bush
is fairly accurate, as far as generalizations go.

These people literally have no grasp of reality.

The exit poll for 2004 is here, which shows, of course, that Kerry received better than 40% of the military vote. That he received three times better the military support than Gore did is totally ignored by this crowd, dismissed out of hand, waved off, because it just doesn't compute.

But what's amazing about Bush followers is they make sweeping statements like, "the troops love Bush" without offering any objective evidence of this claim.

Here is a bunch of polls, ignored by Putz, that show the military strongly disapproves of the President's Iraq policy. And here's one by the Military Times.

But evidence doesn't matter to these people. They live in a world not based on empirical truths, but where their beliefs and biases are their reality, and anything that conflicts with that is "pathetic."

By the way, if 60% is the baseline for being "loved" -- Clinton's approval rating after the GOP impeached him was 73% and he left office more beloved than the Great Reagan.

But to this crowd, Clinton is despised -- a coward, a hated traitor, a liar, "a laughingstock" as one commenter put it.

It must be very strange to occupy such a small, radical fringe of our politics.


Bill Crawford writes in comments,
Mr. Putz, President Bush received 77% of the serving military's vote. So not only was your comment inaccurate, so is this entire post.

I am not surprised, however, by your need to lie.
Nope, no lies here, nor is anything inaccurate. I never claimed in this post or at Crawford's that the poll I was referring to -- specifically the CNN 2004 Election exit poll -- referred to "serving" military. Nice try Billy.

Crawford still has not answered this simple question: why did John Kerry receive triple the support from the military as Al Gore?

He cannot answer this question because it would force him to confront the truth -- the truth contained in the series of polls above: that plenty of our troops dislike the President, that they disapprove of his policies, that they think we should be out of Iraq now.

These are indisputable facts, supported by multiple polls, all of which I've documented here.

Crawford's statement, that all the troops love The Great Leader, is not supported by anything but his imagination and deepest desires.