Monday, September 17, 2007

Fuck You, Glenn Reynolds.

I apologize for the uncivil language, but this is simply unacceptable:

GOOD THING WE HAVEN'T abandoned them yet. "American commanders in southern Iraq say Shiite sheiks are showing interest in joining forces with the U.S. military against extremists, in much the same way that Sunni clansmen in the western part of the country have worked with American forces against Al Qaeda."

"GOOD THING WE HAVEN'T abandoned them yet." Ha ha. That's funny!

Iraq's refugees fled to urban areas in neighboring countries, instead of gathering in tents or makeshift camps. But by early 2006, as the bloodshed intensified, the trickle became a flood, with up to 40,000 Iraqis leaving each month. Today, the UN estimates 1 in 10 Iraqis lives outside the country. The advocacy group Refugees International calls it "the fastest-growing refugee crisis in the world."

In addition to 2.5 million refugees, another 2 million Iraqis are displaced within their homeland. It's the largest mass migration in the Middle East since hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes after the creation of Israel in 1948. ...

More than 2 million of Iraq's refugees have fled to Syria and Jordan, two of the Middle East's poorest countries whose infrastructures are already overburdened. The refugees are driving up rents and food prices; overcrowding schools and hospitals, and using up meager water and electricity resources. These social and economic pressures are fueling resentment of the Iraqis in Syria and Jordan.


The UN is urging the United States and European countries to permanently resettle more Iraqis and to send aid to ease the financial burden on Syria and Jordan. UN agencies classify most Iraqis as having only "temporary protection status" -- rather than as permanent refugees -- because most are expected to return to Iraq once the fighting subsides. Only a small fraction of Iraqis will be eligible for resettlement in the West. ...

But few Western countries are eager to accept Iraqis. Until a few months ago, U.S. officials downplayed the extent of the refugee crisis. That made the problem worse, according to human rights groups, who accuse the United States of failing to honor its moral obligation. After being criticized for granting asylum to only 466 Iraqi refugees since the war began in March 2003, the Bush administration raised the quota to 7,000 for this year. As of March, the State Department had admitted only 68 Iraqis.

So please, Putz. Get off your fucking high horse.

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