Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Glenn Reynolds on Jeff Goldstein's manliness.

Putz is obviously stung by the blogosphere's reaction to our Dr. Mrs. Putz send up, so he turns to, ahem, Jeff Goldstein.

OK, stop laughing.

Really, that's pretty much all that needs to be said about this, given Count Cockula's Goldstein's, erm, odd fixation. Though because I'm sporting, I'll play along. Goldstein cites this in defense of whatever point he's making:
People who are in fact masculine (or feminine!) don’t maintain a checklist: Well, I need to demonstrate that I’m masculine, therefore I shall buy a gun/cheer a sports team/ogle nubile teenagers/ride a motorcycle. Instead they do those things and others automatically, without thinking or any specific intent, because they are expressions of the underlying characteristic.
So building go-carts and treehouses and playing outside and reading Army counterinsurgency manuals while studiously avoiding doing the dishes and taking care of your kids will not, in any way, shape, or form, make you more of a man.

So Dr. Mr. Putz is, once again, proven to be totally full of shit.

Thanks Putz!

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