Sunday, July 08, 2007

Richard Miniter, link thief.

I sent Dick Miniter this note at 8:30 this morning:
Mr. Miniter,

Do you have any comment on this?

If true, it would certainly be a blow to the Bush Doctrine, would it not?

Regards from Austin--BT
He a) didn't respond and b) stole the link/story without crediting me.

How do I know he cribbed the link? Because it's a New York Times article, reprinted in the Austin American-Statesman (the odds of Miniter reading my hometown paper just for the hell of it seem remote) and moreover, Miniter never criticizes Bushies. The fact that he hadn't even heard of the story before I brought it to his attention tells you all you need to know about his radar.

Stay classy, Dick.

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