Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Mind of Dean Barnett

The Florida Rasmussen poll shows Giuliani at 22%, Thompson at 21%, and Romney and McCain tied at 13%.

When I read this, I thought, "Wow, Mitt is still tied with McCain, a guy who doesn't have enough money for a cup of coffee and who is, moreover, hated by his own party. Sucks for him!" Dean Barnett, however, is a wingnut, and therefore sees things a bit differently.

This is a "piece of horrendous news for Rudy Giuliani," he writes. But he's not sure sure if you get his drift, so he repeats himself: "This is problematic for Rudy."

Does Dean actually believe this shit, or does he grit his teeth, stare at the framed photo of Hugh above his desk, and whisper, "Anything for you, buddy"?

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