Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hanson's in for 2 more Friedmans.

VDH, today:
I believe Gen. Petraeus is the right commander after Franks, Sanchez, and Casey...If we can give him a year, he will stabilize the country—and the US will have pulled off the impossible of establishing some sort of consensual society, analogous to a Kurdistan or Turkey, in the heart of the ancient caliphate.
VDH, almost 3 months ago on May 2, 2007:
The war will be won or lost, like it or not, fairly or unjustly, in the next six months in Baghdad.
VDH, 6 months ago, on January 31, 2007:
I hope there is that sense of urgency in both Washington and at Centcom, a sense that the ante has been raised and that our success or failure in the next six months will determine the course of our policy and of the region for years to come.

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