Wednesday, July 18, 2007

For Those Keeping Score at Home...

Stories sourced third-hand by Michael Yon are totally believable and awesome and completely true.

A story
written by a guy on the scene in Iraq that, yep, reflects badly on a few troops -- utter bullshit!

Down with the MSM! Fuck The New Republic! Attica! Attica!

The Weekly Standard is unintentionally hilarious: "But we believe that the best chance for getting at the truth [of the story] is likely to come from the combined efforts of the blogosphere, which has, in the past, proven adept at determining the reliability of such claims."

Indeed! If, by adept, they mean "bloggers so cravenly desperate for justification of the Iraq invasion that they posted online information to make nerve agents and an atomic bomb."

Yes, please. Sic those stupid fuckers on the TNR story. I need a good laugh.

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