Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Another former Glenn Reynolds reader.

There's lots of those, aren't there?

(from comments below)
From the Insty link:

And Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. isn't afraid to call people traitors when they don't appreciate the nature of the threat confronting us . . . . "This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors." Hey, I thought it was wrong to question people's patriotism!

From the Newsday article to which he links:

However, Etheridge aside, it was nonmusicians at this concert who made the most passionate pleas about demanding action for the environment. "Get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, who are nothing more than corporate toadies," said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmentalist author, president of Waterkeeper Alliance and Robert F. Kennedy's son, who grew hoarse from shouting. "This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors."

I've slipped off reading Glenn for at least a year now, long ago deciding he was at least somewhat disingenuous. But this is either flat-out fucking lying to his readers and hoping to coast by on a ridiculously out-of-context quote (Kennedy clearly wasn't discussing the "people" at all), or it is a severely lame attempt at conservative switcheroo humor, "irony" they think it's called. Laugh it up, dipshit.

Is he ALWAYS like this lately?
If by "lately" you mean "the past 5 years," then yes.

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