Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sure, The Derb is Despicable, But...

Give him credit here:

Libby's operated near the top of the greasy pole. He has plenty of powerful friends. He's never going to be in want of a few cushy 100K directorship sinecures, or the odd 20K speaking engagement. You won't be seeing him on the supermarket line paying with food stamps. He's played the High Game of national politics, and "Go to jail" is one of the cards you sometimes draw in that game. No big deal.


...Libby? Heck, he'll be all right, and a taste of low life might educate him some.

I'm happy he wrote it, not just because I agree with every word, but because it caused Lopez to bleat:

I'm sorry but what's happened to Scooter Libby is not exactly what he signed onto when this good man decided he wanted to serve his country.

Of course Libby didn't "sign on" for jail time. But his capacity to lie -- t'was he, after all, who suggested that Iran and North Korea be included in the "axis of evil" speech, simply to convince the public that the U.S. wouldn't invade Iraq -- came naturally.

ADDED: From Plan of Attack:

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