Saturday, June 16, 2007

Stabbed in the back, revisited.

Andrew Sullivan also noticed this Goebbles gem from Putz.

"Reader Brett Conner, who sent word of this, writes: 'One of the reasons I left the military was being stabbed in the back by our fellow countrymen. It happened to my father in Vietnam, and I didn't want to continue living through the same experience.' I'm afraid a lot of people will view Harry Reid's statement that way. Of course, some folks like the way the Vietnam War turned out," - Glenn Reynolds, dress-rehearsing the "stab-in-the-back" canard he will surely use to scapegoat, rather than understand, the total failure of the president he voted for twice.

The pro-war right is surely not going to take defeat in Iraq or at home gently. If we withdraw from Iraq in the next year, and a terror attack occurs in the U.S., regardless of its provenance, watch Giuliani blame the Democrats and try to win the election on a classic "we-were-stabbed-in-the-back-we need-a-strong-leader" message. The constitutional dangers of such a move are, of course, grave. I can indeed see a scenario in which a classic fascist-style appeal to wounded nationalism - combined with a call to suspend constitutional protections in favor of a presidential protectorate and a Weimar-style "stab-in-the-back" smear against the MSM - will become the mantra of the Southern-dominated GOP in the next election. If you can't see it coming, you don't know who they are.

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