Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Glenn Reynolds and El-Rusbo: ideological soulmates.

This speaks volumes (TS also posted below).
R.I.P. G.O.P.: Out in the car I heard a few minutes of Rush Limbaugh talking about the immigration bill moving forward. I think the Republicans' situation is looking pretty grim, and I wonder, what impels them to make such a self-destructive
move? Limbaugh was wondering too.
Just think about this for a minute. Limbaugh's audience is the far-right base of the GOP. And Putz not only listens to Limbaugh, but he agrees that the Senate Republicans, because they're apparently not calling for the mass deportation of 12,000,000 people -- are somehow "self-destructive."

Later, the nonpartisan wonders:

WHAT SHOULD REPUBLICANS DO as the GOP seems to be committing suicide? I dunno -- saving the GOP isn't my job, and if the Democrats weren't worse on national security I wouldn't mind much. (And the GOP advantage there seems to be shrinking anyway).

But you've got three basic choices: Exit, voice, and loyalty. That is, quit, bitch like hell, or hold your nose and vote.

Problem is, people have been exercising "voice" a lot and it's clear that President Bush, Trent Lott, et al., don't care and aren't listening. So if you don't want to hold your nose, you've got to exit, either to a third party, to a GOP candidate you like, or to another engagement on Election Day -- go fishing, perhaps? I think the GOP's vulnerability to a third party challenge has just gone way up.

Where to begin?

First, the Republicans' advantage on national security isn't "shrinking" --- it's gone, dead, ruined for a generation. That's what happens when you lose two wars. The only people who think the Democrats are "worse" are the Bush dead-enders, the 26-percenters -- like Putz and Limbaugh. No one cares what they think except themselves.

Second, why is that when Republicans buck their base, they are "committing suicide" but when Democrats actually listen to theirs (see Lamont, Ned), it's "damaging" to them?

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