Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Problem of Relying Solely on Blogs for News...

Is that you inevitably write uninformed crap like this:

THAT'S NOT VERY NEIGHBORLY: Mexican audience boos Miss USA. If an American audience booed Miss Mexico, it would be racism.

Why was she booed? Well, there's Donald Trump's theory, that the crowd wasn't displeased with Rachel Smith, but with "some policies of the United States."

Sounds plausible, and kind of excusable in a 'shoot the messenger' kinda way.

The other theory -- let's call it Nativist Relations 101 -- is that when you visit or live in a foreign country, you ought to speak the language of said country. Putz is familiar with this theory, since one of its prominent proponents is his pal, Michelle Malkin, who believes that non-English speakers should be denied their right to a cheesesteak, that Caucasians deserve service with a smile and without that pesky accent, and that our national anthem sounds decidedly freaky in Spanish.

Has Putz ever called Malkin racist? Pienso que no.

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