Friday, May 25, 2007

Ledeen, Unbeknighted Loon

Daniel Larison on Michael Ledeen, who's pretty sure that a pile of Stephen King paperbacks and a functioning democracy are the same thing.

Apparently reading is the sole qualification for self-government these days, which happily means that most Americans still qualify. Perhaps this news is shocking to some of Ledeen’s pro-war confreres, who are of the view that the only thing “those people” understand is force, which presumably means that ”those people” are not well-known for their love of reading. While some might think it strange that someone can be an advocate of routinely throwing “some crappy little country against the wall” and be deeply outraged at suggestions that the cultures of some nations are profoundly ill-suited to the cultivation of representative government, it all fits together rather well. If you are a mad, militant revolutionary who believes that democracy is universal and human cultures are irrelevant, the two go together very nicely.

[via Orr]

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