Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'd Get a Second Opinion

From Hugh Hewitt's interview with Stephen "I Totally, Like, Swear Iraq had WMDs" Hayes:

HH: Okay, [Fred Thompson]’s a very strong candidate, traditional conservative, a lot of charisma, all that. He gave a bad, flat speech when I saw him two weeks ago, but everyone does that once in a while. It was like when Romney went to National Review and bombed there, and he’d come back from that. That doesn’t matter. I have one serious question, which is about his cancer. What…do you know the answer to the two questions, what is the rate of recurrence of this particular cancer, and when it does recur, how often is it debilitating?

SH: I don’t know the answer to either one of those, so I won’t pretend to try to answer them. I can only tell you what Bill Frist told me, and this was for a piece I did four weeks ago. And Frist seemed…I would say he was not dismissive of the kind of cancer, this indolent lymphoma that Thompson has, but at the same time, he was not, he didn’t take it that seriously.

That's some crack reporting, Stephen! In four weeks, Bill frickin' Frist is your sole purveyor of medical opinions?

Did Frist happen to say if Thompson is "responsive to visual stimuli"?

More here, from Atrios.

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