Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fun at Ann's.

So the other nonpartisan law professor, Ann Althouse, linked to yet another right wing hit job the other day, this time David Brooks slamming Al Gore (funny how Altmouse never links to, for instance, Robert Scheer slamming Bush or say, Paul Krugman slamming McCain).

I don't read much Altmouse, but it's actually fun to comment over there because occasionally, she responds. And I give her credit for having the balls to allow comments and to answer critics, unlike some other nonpartisans I know.

Anyway, I posted this comment, which I thought was pretty funny:

"Oh, look! Another interesting article, written by a reliable right wing partisan, attacking a Democrat. How pretty!"

But them some guy named Doyle totally one-upped me:

BlueTexan -

How dare you impute partisan motives to Prof. Althouse! She isn't interested in your nasty partisan partisanship. She is interested only in the truth of Al Gore's loathesomeness, which David Brooks can corroborate.

Well played, Doyle. Well played.

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