Tuesday, May 22, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Iran borders Iraq.

My apologies, I totally missed this doozie yesterday.
The Bush Administration's passivity with regard to Iran has puzzled me for some time. And disappointed me. Unless there's some secret plan underway to topple the mullahs before fall -- nice, but unlikely -- it's going to be hard to achieve the requisite degree of success in Iraq. Having a powerful nation right next door sponsoring an insurgency makes the insurgency pretty hard to beat in short order.
It's not "passivity," Putz. Surely you're not that stupid. It's that they've got no good options. And the United States has no good options to deal with Iran because Rumsfeld and the Bushies, the people you've slavishly defended for years while smearing their critics as cowardly defeatists, royally screwed the pooch by not sending in enough troops to secure the Iranian border.

Newsflash: Iran didn't suddenly magically appear next to Iraq after we invaded it. And if Iran Has Been At War With Us Since 1979, shouldn't we have ensured that our force levels were such that Iran's totally predictable interference could be contained?

Plenty of serious, thoughtful, experienced people saw this coming, Putz. People like Gens. Abizaid, Odom, Shinseki, Scowcroft. People you glibly dismissed. Now you're hoping for "secret plans" to save your beloved war?

Talk about unserious.

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