Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We support the troops we like!

(Pictured: Pat and Kevin Tillman, unsupported by war bloggers.)

Former Army Ranger and Iraqi veteran Kevin Tillman delivered compelling and moving testimony before Congress today. Yet not a single peep about Tillman from noted troop supporters Putz, Michelle Malkin, Powerline, The Corner, or Captain's Quarters.

Wonder why.


Actual conservative Andrew Sullivan notes:
Longtime readers will know how impressed I was with Pat Tillman's decision to forgo a lucrative sports career for service to his country. We all were. It is an appropriate but awful coda to this war that his sacrifice was rewarded with goverment mendacity. They lie to the bereaved families of heroes. Can you imagine what they have been telling the rest of us?
Andrew Sullivan is very excitable and shrill.

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