Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Send Your Condolences to Michael Ledeen

Yesterday, Mikey Ledeen, the tough-talkin' mack of the PJ set, wrote:

I think it’s pretty clear that the Brits are just trying to find out how much it costs, and intend to pay it. ... Trouble is, this is a losing game. We’ll fork over what we think is full payment, and the mullahs will release a hostage or two and then start haggling over the price for the next one.


Civilized nations can’t win games of this sort against cynical Islamic Fascists. We have to make them play our game. Shut down their oil refineries and then talk some more. Let them be really green; no more gasoline.

But in a horrible twist of fate, it seems Mssr. Ledeen will not get his way.

Mr. Ledeen, I, and no doubt the dearly missed BT, wish you our deepest sympathies. But cheer up, friend! No doubt we will someday bomb Iran under another pretext.

Just not today.

UPDATE: Also send kind words to Austin Bay, who says, "Returning kidnapped sailors and marines is no gift." Nice guy, eh?

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