Friday, March 30, 2007

Kenny, 1. Reynolds, 0.

Via Roy, blogger Glenn Kenny fillets and sautés Putz:

But other people take V.D.H. very seriously indeed. One of them is Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit. One of the vexing things about the intertubes is that they can make stars of fast-inputting mediocrities like Reynolds, but as Reynolds himself has said of roadside snipers, that's the price we pay for living in a constitutional democracy. Anyhow, today Reynolds links to Hanson's delightfully incoherent post and adds his own two cents: "Part of it is that the movie industry -- or at least the critic section thereof -- is stuck in the 1970s, when moral ambiguity and angst used to be groundbreaking and novel. Now they're overdone, predictable and boring."

Wow. Without even an attempt to parse that sentence—don't try, you'll break down crying—how damn stupid can one human being be? Letting go of the idea that the "critic section" is a part of the "movie industry," let me just say that this is the pensee of a guy who, if he's familiar with Hamlet at all to begin with, believes that Polonious is its hero.

That, InstaPutzen, is poetry.

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