Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Hammer's new book.

Tom DeLay's blog (which he's admitted he actually doesn't write) reads like fine parody. Not quite on the level of The Onion, but still amusing.

A recent passage about the Democrats:

With such men and women leading Congress, the United States would have surrendered the Revolutionary War after New York, the Civil War after Bull Run, World War II after Kasserine Pass and the Cold War after Vietnam (come to think of it, that's exactly what they did propose).

Now there's something to apologize for. And yes, I am questioning their patriotism.

I might be a little confused here, but wasn't a liberal Democrat running the country during World War II? I don't remember FDR surrendering to the Germans after Kasserine Pass, but I haven't looked it up lately. I'm also unaware of any surrender resolution proposed by the Democratic Congress after Nixon appeased the communists and lost ended the war in Vietnam. Finally, it's worth noting that The Hammer's state and ideological forefathers were on the losing side of the Civil War, and, as a hard right conservative, he would've most certainly been a Loyalist in 1775.

But I digress...

The real laugher today was DeLay's promotion of his new book, which hits the stores March 20. Forwards by Sean Hannity and the Drug-addicted draft-dodging college dropout divorcee. I can hardly wait.

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