Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Freepers on John Warner (R-VA).

Via Atrios, I see that John Warner, a veteran, said he disagreed with General Pace.
Sen. John Warner (R-Va.), a former Secretary of the Navy, said, “I respectfully but strongly disagree with the chairman’s view that homosexuality is immoral."
Good for him.

Not everyone is happy, though--here's what the Freepers think (I'm looking forward to stern denunciations from serious commentators like Howie Kurtz and Joe Klein):
Come out of the closet Sen. John Warner.

Warner is a scumbag...period.

It's time for John Warner to retire,in fact its long past time. I have heard comments he has made over the last to weeks that indicates to me he's becoming more of a RINO every day.

Shove it up your sphincter you stupid RINO fossil.

Dottering Old Queen puts his hoof down.

If Warner thinks it's moral, he's the one who should apologize.

Warner's a faggot.

Pace is to military leadership, as Warner is to political correct pandering to the faggots.

It's past time for this worthless RINO to retire.

he's queer? Wasn't he married to Elizabeth Taylor? Oh, I guess I answered my own question.

So, does that mean Warner's gay or bi? Coming out soon?

He looks like an old queen and talks like Foghorn Leghorn

Wonder how he'd feel if he came home to find a "homosexuel" preforming a sex act on his son or grandson?

The GOP is Ann Coulter's party.

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