Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A former Republican on Plame.

A reader writes below in comments,
I have read many posts stating hat Wilson was a liar, yet, where is the specific proof?

The mass of people who took the side of the White House (myself included) when this whole affair started have been stripped away and now it appears we only have the radical right-wing fringe left to carry the Bush banner. We, the overwhelming majority of Americans, accept the Libby verdict for what it was -- someone was found guilty of lying to a federal prosecutor. We find it reasonable that the Bush team panicked about unfavorable press and decided to get heavy handed without really caring who would get hurt in the process -- as long as Wilson also got hurt. I, and many other former republican voters, are embarrassed by our president and we are ashamed that we voted for him not once, but twice. We now want to separate ourselves from this right-wing fringe that appear to jump to any far-out convoluted reasoning to smear people like the Wilsons who were considered heroes before the White House began their retaliation campaign.

Please just go away and take this failure of a President with you.
I'm guessing there's a lot of people like this.

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