Friday, February 23, 2007


This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

Via Kos, some nutbar decided that Wikipedia was too liberally biased to be trusted. Thus, Conservapedia was born.

Some sample excerpts.

On global warming
The theory is widely accepted within the scientific community despite a lack of any conclusive evidence. ...It should be noted that these scientists are largely motivated by a need for grant money in their fields. Therefore, their work can not be considered unbiased. Also, these scientists are mostly liberal athiests [sic], untroubled by the hubris that man can destroy the Earth which God gave him.
On Bill Clinton
The re-election of Clinton despite the demonstrated preference of the electorate in 1994 for Republican candidates may well be due to the electorate's preference for a divided government, in which the executive branch and the congress are representative of different parties. Clinton spent the remainder of his presidency combatting [sic] scandals. A special prosicutor [sic] was named to investigate Clinton for allegations of impropriety in the Whitewater real-estate scandal, an investment of Clintons in a failed real estate venture.
On Stalin
Josef Stalin was an atheist communist Russian dictator during World War II. He was defeated by Adolph Hitler, despite Hitler also being an atheist...
Err, whaaa...?

On this particular entry, Darksyde at Kos notes,
Hitler, the ever-clever Nazi atheist, not only fooled everyone by couching his perverse ideology in the context of religion again and again, he defeated Stalin in World War II by ingeniously committing suicide while Soviet troops mopped up the last crumbling remnants of the Third Reich in 1945 Berlin.
Seriously, this shit is funnier than The Onion.

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