Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sounds familiar.

"Look, Althouse supports the Iraq War, she supports Bush, and would (logically enough) like to see Republicans in control of Congress--that's her privilege. But to pretend that she's an above-the-fray non-partisan despite these kinds of obviously specious attacks on Democratic politicians is simply an insult to our intelligence. And she and her defenders are the ones with a shaky grasp on the facts here."


The oh-so-civil and always non-partisan Ann Althouse (a Putz favorite) replies:
Well, Scott, I see a tiny little image that looks like this: d. I was under the impression that that was a picture of a tiny little prick, and I thought it was you. I'll take your word for it that I was wrong and that despite your loathsomeness, you've managed to find other little pricks who are willing to associate with you. I have corrected my post to indicate that it was not you. Now, have you corrected your vicious stupidity, you pathetic little man?
Ann's officially jumped the shark.

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