(Pictured: Conservative Neville Chamberlain, after his successful appeasement meeting with the Iran of the 1930s)
Changing course, the United States is joining the Iraqi government in a diplomatic initiative inviting Iran and Syria to a "neighbors meeting" on stabilizing Iraq, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday.Doesn't she know that Iran has been at war with us since 1979?
What an unserious appeaser. She obviously didn't get Putz's "kill their scientists and religious leaders" memo.
Predictably, Michael "The Ayatollah Is Dead!" Ledeen over at Pajamas is furious.
Perhaps Secretary Rice can explain to us, slowly and clearly, why we should be negotiating with these bastards instead of supporting regime change in Tehran? Those lucky enough to escape their clutches—such as Ardeshir Dolat—understand that you can only lose by negotiating with terrorists.You can almost hear the spit fly out of his mouth, can't you?
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