Monday, January 29, 2007

The unseriousness of war supporters.

Putz links approvingly to a StrategyPage post today called the Top Ten: Myths of the Iraq War. It wastes no time in completely losing all credibilty with #1.
1-No Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Several hundred chemical weapons were found, and Saddam had all his WMD scientists and technicians ready.
This refers to the bogus Santorum "discovery" of some degraded, pre-1991 shells which Putz and the other warbloggers so excitedly covered and which the Department of Defense promptly disavowed. That this Bush apologist continues to cite it, months after it's been thoroughly debunked and discredited by our own government, is nothing short of astonishing.

But the passage Putz cites is worse.
10 - The War in Iraq is Lost. By what measure? Saddam and his Baath party are out of power. There is a democratically elected government. Part of the Sunni Arab minority continues to support terror attacks, in an attempt to restore the Sunni Arab dictatorship. In response, extremist Shia Arabs formed vigilante death squads to expel all Sunni Arabs. Given the history of democracy in the Middle East, Iraq is working through its problems. Otherwise, one is to believe that the Arabs are incapable of democracy and only a tyrant like Saddam can make Iraq "work."
Where to begin? How about the fantastic idea that 34,000 dead Iraqis in a single year is Iraq "working through it's problems." Interesting choice of words. Given that the central obligation of a government is the monopoly on the use of force, the government in Iraq is on paper only.
And to boot, we get the same old, tired "to argue that Iraq cannot function as a democracy is racist" strawman.

This is what Bush followers have been reduced to: brushing off the deaths of tens -- maybe hundreds -- of thousands killed in a bloody civil war as a mere "working through problems," reimagining cleaning supplies as "weapons of mass destruction" and labeling those who see that Iraq is a failed state as "racist."

They're just not serious.

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