Friday, January 12, 2007

All is right once again right with the universe.

(Updated below)

After Boot's and Lowry's don't-blame-the-media columns (see below), I was experiencing an queasy, unsettling vertigo.

Then Tony Snow and Hew Hughitt brought be back to Earth.
HH: All right, yesterday, the President also mentioned that there will be lots of carnage on television screens. Is the administration, and especially the Pentagon, prepared to fight the new media war when that starts to happen, Tony Snow?

TS: We’ve been fighting it. I mean, it’s not that it has started to happen, it’s been going on for some time. What is interesting, Hugh, and you know this as well as anybody else, you’re also starting to see little glimmers of guys like Michael Yon and others who get over there and they basically embed themselves in Iraq, and Michelle Malkin’s over there now.

HH: Bill Roggio, you bet. They go over and do first hand reporting.

You bet! Who could duplicate Michelle Malkin's first hand objective coverage? Certainly not those 109 desk-jockeys who've been killed covering the war while she was accusing them treason from her keyboard.

Hew Hughitt is such a tool.


Think Progress has more on this. Tony Snow is a tool, too.

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