Saturday, December 16, 2006

Putz's gal is going to Iraq.

You've probably heard by now, but Pajamas queen Michelle Malkin is going to Iraq. Maybe. Anyway, this jumped out:
There are people on both sides of the blogosphere who think this is some kind of joke. Others are using it as yet another opportunity to hurl slime, hate, and stupidity. You want to see me shot in the face or dead. Ha, ha, ha.
Why on Earth would she get shot in the face or killed? I mean, she's not going to Philadelphia or anything.

Geez, Michelle -- way to buy into the whole MSM anti-Bush spin about how violent Iraq is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exactly HOW will Michelle Malkin help to locate this ubiquitous source? Will her very presence in Iraq lure this person out of the shadows, or is it just her meticulous investigative skills as a 'journalist' that will split this mystery wide open?
And Mr. Jordan is PAYING for her trip. My mother always told me...well, media whore comes to mind but my mom has always been sooo conservative. Wow, is it possible Malkin is really just a closet-liberal in red panties?! Serious shit, indeed.