This is the kind of "conservative" Putz is:
DEAN BARNETT: "I’m very concerned about the ascendancy of Bush 41 apparatchiks in the current administration. If I wanted a second Bush 41 administration, I would have voted for G.H.W. Bush in ’92. . . . Any breathing room we give our enemies will be used to develop greater destructive powers. And whether I’m eager for war or not, it’s upon us. Donald Rumsfeld realized that as far back as the 1990’s. The Scowcroftian Realists still don’t realize it today."Yeah, boy -- did that gang really make a mess of things. Deftly managed the collapse of the USSR. Built an international coalition. Stayed clear of Baghdad and handily won the war. Raised taxes to pay for it. Can't have any of those nutjobs getting in the way.
There's a reason Poppy called these people "the crazies."
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