Putz clealy prefers Austin's Bay's and Gateway Pundit's expertise to James A. Baker III's. Now I'm no fan of Baker's, but the guy's got an institute at a prestigious university named after him and knows a hell of a lot more about foreign affairs than the various nobodys Putz regularly deems experts. Besides, Baker's impossible task is to save whatever scraps remain of the Bush family legacy. You'd think Putz would show the guy a little respect.
Hitchens lost me when he said Iran and Syria "have recently succeeded in destroying the other most hopeful democratic experiment in the region—the brief emergence of a self-determined Lebanon that was free of foreign occupation—and are busily engaged in promoting their own version of sectarian mayhem there"
Not to excuse either Iran's or Syria's governments for their own transgressions, but it was Israel that rained bombs on Lebanon. Calling that slaughter self-defense would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.
I am no fan of Baker's either, but he is an experienced diplomat who has managed this kind of problem before. Meanwhile, Hitchens is an angry drunk, Austin Bay is a nobody, and Instaputz is a delusional rube. Putz jumped the shark ages ago, and he is now a parody of a parody of himself.
Anyone with a brain knows Iraq is a flaming disaster. We need the best, sanest minds to come to some recommendations about this, and get the American people and the international community on board. Hitchens would show up to the negotiations shitfaced, just having wet himself. Instarube would show up with his digital camera and take pictures of a blank wall. It is time for these idiots to just go away.
Hitchens lost me when he said Iran and Syria "have recently succeeded in destroying the other most hopeful democratic experiment in the region—the brief emergence of a self-determined Lebanon that was free of foreign occupation—and are busily engaged in promoting their own version of sectarian mayhem there"
Not to excuse either Iran's or Syria's governments for their own transgressions, but it was Israel that rained bombs on Lebanon. Calling that slaughter self-defense would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.
I am no fan of Baker's either, but he is an experienced diplomat who has managed this kind of problem before. Meanwhile, Hitchens is an angry drunk, Austin Bay is a nobody, and Instaputz is a delusional rube. Putz jumped the shark ages ago, and he is now a parody of a parody of himself.
Anyone with a brain knows Iraq is a flaming disaster. We need the best, sanest minds to come to some recommendations about this, and get the American people and the international community on board. Hitchens would show up to the negotiations shitfaced, just having wet himself. Instarube would show up with his digital camera and take pictures of a blank wall. It is time for these idiots to just go away.
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