Friday, November 17, 2006

Investor's Business Daily.

In debunking Putz, it's important to look at who he, a "non-partisan libertarian," frequently sources. And one of Putz's favorite reads is the inocuously-named but highly partisan Investor's Business Daily. It's the right wing rag that Putz used to smear John Kerry as a traitor, and Putz's link's again to it today. His citation includes:
It's been said that were it not for us, the French would be speaking German and the Germans would be speaking Russian.
It's been said, by whom? Ill-informed nationalistic historical revisionists? And look what Investor's Business Daily wrote on November 8, the day after Americans fired the GOP.
Al-Qaida Wins

Aside from the Democrats and their media allies, the only people happy about the election results are the terrorists who want to kill us. They got the Congress they were hoping for.

Can you imagine a more disgusting, un-American headline? Could they display any more contempt for our democracy and for their fellow citizens, who elected Democrats at every level of government?

This is a publication Putz considers worthy of attention and promotion, all while heaping scorn on the supposed bias of the mainstream media.

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