Thursday, October 05, 2006

Putz and Foleygate.

A reader writes,
Instarube is spreading a lie. He quotes an incorrect post about Gerry Studds that falsely claims Studds was only reprimanded and not censured. He was censured; see the historical summary here. I have now emailed him three times, including two links that correct the lie. He has not responded.

But it is even worse than this. At the time Instarube quote the false post (7:35 pm yesterday) it had been refuted in a comment in the post three hours earlier. So when he repeated the lie, it had already been refuted. Now I have emailed him three times and he has still failed to correct the lie.

There is no doubt what he is up to--engaging in partisan lies and smears to gloss over the immoral, irresponsible, and potentially criminal behavior of his party's leaders.
Ask Putz why he hasn't corrected the record.

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