Monday, October 02, 2006

Playing catch up.

Gave Putz a pass on Sunday, but am back today. Haven't had time to catch up with all the putziness, but this post jumps out.
THE 9/11 BLUE DRESS: Well, it does give the lie to the "blame Bush" theorists.
Still obviously smarting from Clinton's takedown of Fox News and the Bushies inaction on terrorism before 9/11, Putz links to one of the worst written posts about an al Qaeda videotape (which proves nothing) you can imagine.

The writer, the internationally-regarded terrorism expert Don Surber (who's official bio indicates that he writes op-eds for the internationally-regarded West Virginia paper, the Charleston Daily Mail, and owns three ferrets) is so giddily fond of his cheesy "blame Clinton" metaphor, he clumsily repeats it.
This tape, a part of which is at the Times Web site, is the blue dress to Bill Clinton's outburst last week. We know Clinton lies any time he wags that finger.


The tape and the report come a weekend after Bill Clinton wagged his finger and said he tried to get that man, that Osama bin Laden. This tape is a stained blue dress to that lie.
Get it? It's the blue dress! Clinton's a liar! LIAR! Get it?!

Let's talk about a few non-lies.
  • Cheney's terrorism task force never met
  • Richard Clarke never got the principals meeting he requested about al Qaeda with Condi Rice
  • The 9/11 Commission found that the Bush administration missed 7 opportunities to prevent 9/11
  • Bush never ordered any action to be taken after reading the August 2001 PDB, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US"
  • Bush never took any action against bin Laden or al Qaeda, even after it was determined that bin Laden was behind the Cole bombing
Here's a really simple question for Putz and the obviously brilliant, internationally-regarded terrorism expert Don Surber: what did the Bush administration do about al Qaeda and bin Laden before 9/11?


Anonymous said...

Yet another example of Instarube linking to a moronic piece of drivel and pretending it is authoritative. On top of this, the idiots can't decide if Clinton was too distracted by Lewinsky to do the right thing, or if he was too obsessed with Bin Laden and ordered strikes to "wag the dog."

Surber looks like an extra from Deliverance, so no wonder Instarube is so impressed with him.

lk said...

A small prediction - Putz has been sucking up to Bill Frist.
Now polls show Ford (a Dem) will take the Tenn. seat - guess who Putz starts sucking up to now.

Anonymous said...

Your a instamoron, must of had a low level of public eduction, or maybe thats all you could have handled?

Blue Texan said...

"Your [sic] a [sic] instamoron, must of [sic] had a low level of public eduction, or maybe thats [sic] all you could have handled?"

Here's a tip: the next time you call someone stupid, you might want to pay a literate person to type your flame out for you.