Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Guest Putz #1: Megan McArdle.

Putz is on vacation, giving the blogosphere a much needed break from his putziness. But we'll be keeping an eye on his replacements this week.

First up, Guest Putz Megan McArdle, who wrote this in 2004:
I think that the decision to invade Iraq had a lot of reasons behind it, of which only a few were discussed with America. And I'm also okay with that. The government, unfortunately, can't have a secret closed-door meeting with the entire country in which it tells us what it is thinking.
Seriously. I mean, get a grip you anti-war buttinskys. Do you expect your government to actually tell you why it's shipping your young men and women off to die in foreign lands?

Look, all you need to know is that Big Brother, errrr, President Bush said we need to attack Iraq. That should be enough.


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