Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Some people say."

If you've seen "Outfoxed", you'll know that one of the techniques Fox teaches their apparatachiks, errr, reporters, is the Some People Say.

The Some People Say allows you, the supossedly objective party, to politically smear someone (on the left, of course) without actually doing it yourself, by repeating the smear as an unnamed source.

As in,
Some people say that John Kerry's wounds were self-inflicted.
Nice, eh? Well, Putz must watch a lot of Fox News, because he's mastered this very well.
And as an aside, I see some blog-commenters are speculating that Kos is gay.
I see some blog-commentators are speculating that Instaputz is a classless jackass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what if Kos is gay? So's Andrew Sullivan, one of Putz's best buds.

This is simply taking a page from the Trey Parker school of commentary- "All liberals are self-righteous meanie fags".