Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The evil liberal media, again.

Putz is very upset about the dastardly liberal media, making President Bush look bad during the drowning of New Orleans by spreading lies! damn lies! about Our Great Leader.
But what they [the media] learned was that if they all shouted lies in unison they could drive Bush down in the polls.
So, Bush's numbers dropped because of lies spread by the media? Was this a lie?
Again, I want to thank you all for -- and, Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job. The FEMA Director is working 24 -- (applause) -- they're working 24 hours a day.
Was this a lie?
In an interview Thursday on "Good Morning America," President Bush said, "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." He added, "Now we're having to deal with it, and will."
Was this (taken August 30th, 2005)?

A few other questions. Why did Charles Krauthammer write this?
The president. Late, slow, and simply out of tune with the urgency and magnitude of the disaster. The second he heard that the levees had been breached in New Orleans, he should have canceled his schedule and addressed the country on national television to mobilize it both emotionally and physically to assist in the disaster. His flyover on the way to Washington was the worst possible symbolism. And his Friday visit was so tone-deaf and politically disastrous that he had to fly back three days later.
And what about this?
Hurricane Katrina exposed the U.S. government's failure to learn the lessons of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as leaders from President Bush down disregarded ample warnings of the threat to New Orleans and did not execute emergency plans or share information that would have saved lives, according to a blistering report by House investigators.

Regarding Bush, the report found that "earlier presidential involvement could have speeded the response" because he alone could have cut through all bureaucratic resistance
All lies, to make Bush look bad.

I wonder if Putz believes even half of the BS he writes.

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